Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Okay this posting is about what everyone calls the "Fed" - nope, doesn't really mean the "federal government", it means Federal Reserve Bank, an institution that American presidents fought against after the American Revolution. England had a Central Bank, but the USA wanted no part in it.

However, on Dec 23rd in 1913, the day before Christmas Eve, a secret group of bankers made their coup...they got the Federal Reserve Bank made legal while most of the government officials were where? At home enjoying Christmas. Sneaky, huh?

Anyway, the Federal Reserve Bank - I will call it Fed - is not controlled by the United States government! Nope, it's controlled by a group of powerful bankers connected to other bankers globally. And guess who one of the Fed members was? The grandfather of George W Bush. Hmmm....!!

What does the Fed do? Well, they are the ONLY institution that can print and create US money! And, the fed LENDS the money AT INTEREST to the federal government. And the interest is charged to the "People" of the USA. And it is collected through taxes. Some "system".

The "Bush connection" is not by accident. The bankers who really control the Fed decided long ago that politicians should not be running the world, and certainly not "we the people" - in the opinion of the bankers, THEY - the bankers - should be running the world.

The US has already decided on a "plan" to institute the "amero" for possible currency/money in a future combining of Mexico, Canada and the USA into the "North American Union". Just like the "euro" which is the currency of the European Union. Haven't heard about the "amero" yet? Can you use google?? Give it a whirl.

However, towards the end of George W Bush's term, when the bankers saw the US populace beginning to favour Obama, the Feds decided they had to make their biggest move ever towards global domination. How did they do that?

They previously noted that greed in the mortgage market had gone "over the top", and that huge mortgage companies, and banks, would be getting into trouble. So they set things in motion to speed up the troubles...and lo and behold there was a mortgage meltdown in the USA, and banks and huge mortgage lenders were caught off guard.

The Fed set up a rescue plan - a "bailout" - and they got to pick and choose who to save and who to let fail. They persuaded the US government to allow the Fed to create $700 BILLION dollars as a bailout fund. And, the clever Fed, they bought SHARES - preferred shares no less - in the banks they decided to "rescue". Now the Fed owns part of the banks, buying their way in for "pennies on the dollar". And remember, the interest on those dollars is owed by "the People" (taxpayers) even though the People didn't create the downturn or failures at all. So US citizens are paying heavily, with interest, for the mistakes of greedy businesses. Hmmm.....

Meanwhile, the defaulted USA mortgages and the various "derivitives" and mortgage-backed securities set up around them, were starting to cause other banks to fail all around the world. The sellers of those "securities" were, for the most parts, sales people from the Wall Street firms that failed and had to be bailed out! And soon stock markets were collapsing, not just in the USA, but in dozens of countries. Made in America, and exported around the world. What a horrible legacy!

Then, when the World Monetary Fund (WMF) got down to their last $250 million, guess what? The Fed in the USA "opened a window" to let the WMF borrow (yup, "at interest") any amount of US dollars they wanted. ho-ho-ho. Plus there are zillions of contracts around the world in USD, created over the previous years, that have to be repaid in USD. All of this should insure that the USD doesn't collapse right away, since people will need them to repay loans, but what will happen when the loans ARE repaid? Don't know, but the USD is going to be very very cheap in all probability.

Meanwhile the Central Bankers around the world are combining their efforts to act more and more "in harmony" together, with the probable aim of establishing a world government. Maybe - after seeing the stupidity of nationalistic governments and wars globally, one can imagine their horror at letting "lesser people" than themselves control things. Maybe this motivates them??

There is one slight problem in all of this. It's Canada!

Canada, according to the UN and The Economist, has the strongest and safest banking system in the world. Yes, for those of you who don't know, stronger and safer than Switzerland. They stuck with the "chartered bank system" and were conservative when the USA was getting quite fast and loose with strictness re banks. The result: Canada might not be capitulating too fast at all. And with all that oil in Alberta, and probably Saskatchewan too, and the greatest supply of fresh water left in North America, hmmmmm....those Canadian dollars just might be a good investment. And if there ever was a merging of the 3 North American economies into one, chances are the Canadians would get a healthy slice of the ameros if they come into being.

So Canada is the country to watch, folks. More on this later when I get inspired again.

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